Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Solar Eclipse in Scorpio November 2012

How will the November 2012 Solar Eclipse affect Scorpio? On November 13th 2012 The Sun is eclipsed in Scorpio. The event can be seen from Northern Australia and the Pacific Ocean. For many Scorpio the November 2012 solar eclipse will have some major effects on mood and feelings. The changes will begin and end several days before and after November 13th. Most people affected will feel some foreboding and possible negative mood swings. There will be more downs than ups for a few days, but the best news is, once the event has passed, it will be several years before Scorpio experiences the same thing again. Our best advice is to lay low and not attempt anything too strenuous. Take your time to think through any major decisions. You may even decide to put off some big ideas for a few days. It will be over sooner than you think.